Why does life have to feel like mere survival? It is killing me inside. At first, it crept in slowly, almost unnoticed. But as the years pass, its pace accelerated, like an unstoppable force. It’s like walking a tightrope just above the abyss—never quite falling, but never truly grounded. Always hovering, always suffering, waiting for a moment of reprieve that never comes.
One more day, one more week, one more month. Before you know it, years have slipped away, and all you’ve done is wait—waiting for the suffering to ease, for life to take shape, for your soul to embrace tranquility, for your body to finally exhale. But that elusive "something" never arrives.
And then it hits you: it was never going to arrive, because it’s already here. It has always been here. Woven into your very being. Always with you, part of you, it is you. You just have been suppressing it, pushing it down, ignoring it, but the worst you have been negating it. All the words not spoken, chances not taken, feelings not acknowledged, adventures not experienced. All the surprised dreams and silenced ideas.
And because they could not go out, they went in. In a form of a potent energy, filling your gut, your liver, your heart, your brain, your every organ. The pressure builds, and builds, and then finally BOOM- It bursts!
And then what happens? Anxiety tightens its grip. Sleepless nights become your new normal. Depression clouds your days. Your body rebels: your metabolism slows, your heart races, your stomach churns. Obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, digestive issues…you name it, we got it, they all take root in the chaos.
The weight of unprocessed pain, ignored truths, and suffocated dreams doesn’t just linger; it manifests. It consumes.
Stop pushing them down. Stop pretending that they do not exist. Stop trying to control them. Stop negating them. Just stop!!!
And breathe…And then just let them out to play. Do not try to change who you are, but rather, allow yourself to be who you’ve been all along.
Speak your truth, live your values, honor your dreams.
What is the worst that can happen?
You will feel pain? You are already living it, suffering in perpetuity, so why not try something new?